Tuesday, August 28

Mr Inglis

This is Mr Jack Inglis. He came to our school to speak to us about cancer because on Friday it is Daffodil Day. Mr Inglis has had lots of operations on his face because he has got skin cancer. The surgeon had to build him a new nose. He told us that it cost him $16, 000 for the operation. He had to have a melanoma cut out of his ears 2 weeks ago. He is lucky to be alive today. He went to Christchurch to have his operation and he had to have a bandage on his face for about 3months until the skin healed. He had a skin graft from his forehead and this skin was used to make his new nose. The surgeons are very clever!
He told us how important it is to wear sunhats and sunblock these days. When he was a young boy, he never wore a hat or sunblock at all and now he wishes he had.
Remember, SLIP, SLOP, SLAP and WRAP!


Anonymous said...

WOW! I know now to slip slop slap when I am in the sun chuck out all my caps and bye bucket hats I glad we have sunblock or we would get skin cancer.

Anonymous said...

I really learnt alot about cancer and how important it is to wear a sunhat when you are out in the sun playing !NZ is so lucky to have some sun sreen for people to bye!Now I know to ......................


Anonymous said...

woooooooooooooooo dude I so do not want to end up like that.

Anonymous said...

poo that stinks

mssrm6 said...

We all enjoyed this very informative talk and I am sure more children will now think anout wearimg their sunhats.Mrs L