Tuesday, May 27

Milo Instructions

How to make a cup of milo....

you will need:
*boiling water

Method :
1. You need a clean cup from out of the cupboard and put it on the bench.

2.Get the Milo tin down from the cupboard and put it next to the cup on the bench.

3. Open up the drawer and get a clean spoon and put the end where you hold it and open up the Milo tin lid.

4. Grab the milk from the fridge thn close the fridge and unscrew the lid and put it on the bench.

5. Go and get the sugar from the table and put it on the bench.

6.Put one teaspoon of Milo into the cup.

7. Take the jug and boil it and put in the cup up to about 3/4 full.

8.Add the milk until it nearly reaches the top.

9.Relax and enjoy.

By Sam S and Ellen


Anonymous said...

this page looks great what wonderfull stuff we have been doing by ashlie

Anonymous said...

I loved making milo even when me Ellen and Paige drunk it.