Tuesday, October 9

Mr Wright in Bouganville

This is my dad, Mr Wright. In these photos he is training his troops in Bouganville. He is the only white skinned person there!! In the last photo my dad is checking if the people are wearing their uniforms properly. In the first photo my Dad is looking over Arawa where he is staying. In the second photo his troops are in a transport truck. Bouganville is in Papua New Guinea. He is gone for six months and that means he will come back in April. Dad keeps in contact with my family by email and phone calls. One day my dad rang and he said that it was 8 oclock in the morning over in Bouganville, but it was already 30 degrees celsius!!! My mum misses him heaps!!
By Kaitlyn


Anonymous said...

The second photo in Kaitlyns story is actually like a local bus called a PMV (public movement vehicle) Mr Wright and his troops were following this vehicle and is a very common sight on the island. There are other white people on the island but not too many - I guess in the case of the first photo the only white guy and definitley the tallest. Great story Kaitlyn your dad will be proud!

Anonymous said...

I am sure that Mr Wright sure is having fun but his family could be missing him.At less he is not alone because there was lots of other people.

Anonymous said...