Friday, July 20

The Library is back...

This week Room 7 visited the school library for the first time in a year! Because we have had so many new pupils enrol at Motueka South School, our school library has had to be used as a classroom. We enjoyed being able to use the interactive Smartboard and the computers again. Here are some of the boys using the website to find information about our science topic which is "Our Night Sky".
While they were doing that, other pupils checked out the new Braintastic CD on the smartboard and other people just browsed the shelves for new books and read magazines. Shana Tova issued books for people so they could take them home to read and she spent time showing Chelsea how to use the scanner.
It was great to be able to use the library again after all this time..our class has the library booked every Thursday afternoon so we are going to make the most of it.


Anonymous said...

Your library looks really cool Room 7... great that it is all back in action and ready for you guys to use again.
Hope you are enjoying Term 3 so far!

From Rachel,
Room 9 Teacher
Nelson Central School

Anonymous said...

PS - Miss Robinson.... delete the first comment on this post from knicksgrl0917- it is spam advertising.
Hope you are well,

Anonymous said...

Wow I can,t wait to go back to the library on Thursday.

Miss R said...

It is so great that the library is back isnt it?Its cool that we can go to the library every Thursdays.