On Wednesday James brought his bunnies to school to show us. The one that he is holding in the photo is called Buddy and the one in the box is called Buffy. Buffy belongs to his sister Olivia. The bunnies are about 2 months old now. They like to eat hay and carrots and they even eat Weetbix sometimes!
As you can see they are very cute and fluffy, their fur was very soft. One of them did a little poo on the carpet! When the bunnies were getting ready to go back into their boxes to go home, Buddy jumped out of his box and leapt on top of Sam!
wow james they look great
from heather
Buffy is going to have babies one day when she is bigger.Olivia is going to keep one and sell the rest.
mr snuggels loocks very cute I wish I was there on that that day.
I like your rabbets James.
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