Tuesday, November 18


Last week Room 8 invited us to Randomland. They were having an election to see who would be the Prime Minister of their country. They each had to come up with a name of a political party and they had to convince us to vote for them. Each leader did a speech. The greens said "vote for green, we won't be mean!". They also offered free money for the girls and a voucher to Hannah Montana. They offered free cars to the boys that went 350km/hr.

Here is Sam S and Sam H getting ready to vote at the polling station. There were 4 parties altogether. The Red Randoms, the Greens, Randomland First and the Fanta party. Each party offered lots of amazing things if we voted for them. One party said they would give us $1 million each if they were elected!

Here is Tyson casting his vote at the Randomland election- I wonder which party he voted for (its's a secret)

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