Tuesday, September 23

Cave Trip

We went to visit the Ngarua Caves on top of Takaka Hill to conclude our Science unit on Sound.
Inside the caves it was kind of scary. The lady turned of all the lights and it was very DARK and we could not see any thing at all.
We got to hold some moa bones. They think that the moas fell down a sink hole and into the cave and then they were trapped inside. It was about 160 years ago when the cave was first discovered, some people have left their signatures on the cave walls.
Here are some of the room 7 pupils getting ready to go into the caves. A lady called Janet told us a bit about the caves before we went inside. We had to climb up a ladder to get out of the caves. When we got out it was so bright and it was hard to open up our eyes! We all had to wear these hard hats to protect our heads inside the caves as some of the stalagtites are very sharp and pointy.
We learnt that stalagtites are the ones that come down from the roof and stalagmites are the ones that form up form the bottom. It takes a stalagtite 80years to grow only 2.5cm! That is VERY slow growing.
By Eva, Ellen and Bailey

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The cave trip was so fun.

BY SAM S from room7.